Department of Homoeopathic Repertory & Case Taking

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Case taking is a stepping stone to repertorisation.This is a step, which facilitates the gathering of the data pertaining to what is to be cured in the diseased person. It is said that "A well taken case is half cured".

It is an accepted axiom in the principles of total quality management that an awareness of the problem, the recognition of the problem, & the admission of the existence of that problem takes one of half the road donor towards solving that problem. With the same analogy, the importance of proper case taking & its faithful recording can never be over stressed.

The final analysis of every case resolves itself into the assembling of the individualistic symptoms into the one group & collecting the disease manifestations into another, then finding the remedy which runs through both.

The Repertory was born to make our task simpler & methodical.

Repertory-an exploratory & confirmatory tool & the ultimate in selfless

Repertory-the tool over which masters have spent their best years, thousands of people laboring hard, constantly innovating, to make life that much more easy for all of us homoeopaths.

To be successful in repertory work as well as in any other form of homoeopathic prescribing one must be well versed to the homoeopathic philosophy as promulgated by Hahnemann & enriched by Kent.

The primary essential is case taking & unless the case is properly taken, your knowledge of Repertory and Materia Medica is of little avail.

Using repertories, helped us in repertorising the case, but also in case taking, for understanding the drug picture & for comparison between two similar remedies."Non-conscientious Homoeopathic doctor can practice homoeopathy in a serious & scientific way without Repertory"- Dr.Pierre schmidh.